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Every child will leave Forge with the clarity about who they are and their place in the world; as well as the the capacity to create a positive, meaningful and impactful life.


July 22-26

9:00-4:00 p.m.

Check out our CAMP page view the details of our unique experience!


* Self-assured and self-confident.

* Curious and empathetic about the world around him.

* Courage to explore and stretch beyond where he has been before.

* The humility and vulnerability to open himself to feedback and failure.

* A deep drive and desire to make the collective (team and community) stronger.

* An ability to build bridges across fields, domains and perspectives that don’t normally connect.

* An unwavering belief that a greater good lives in all of us.

 Each Forge graduate will be prepared to take their place as a leader in a complex world and work force.

Wandering Traveler


Forge Education

Forge is structured around hands-on experiential learning methods and is available to young men in middle and high school.


Forge Experience

Situated on 11 acres in the Central Oregon high desert, our learning environments are both inside and out.


Graduation Thresholds

In order to graduate from Forge, one must exemplify the standards required of next generation leaders.

I hated every single other school I went to. They made me feel dumb and stressed out. Forge makes learning fun. They don’t make me memorize stuff and it’s not just some lecture we have to listen to. The Forge teachers are awesome because they teach us things we can make sense out of and that actually help us learn. Forge helped me realize that I’m not dumb. I’m smart! And I can learn new stuff! And it’s not stressful. 
We get to take breaks often and sometimes we go on fun learning adventures. Plus, they have dogs and horses that help calm me if I’m ever feeling stressed.

Raddish; 8th Grade Learner

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